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Taking Action for Living Systems brings together the professionals, expertise, and resources needed to support landowners, community groups, and agencies implementing wildfire, forest, watershed health and climate resilience initiatives.

The Challenge

2020 proved to be the largest wildfire season recorded in California’s history, with 8.3 million acres burned. In Sonoma County alone, over 233,000 acres burned between 2017 and 2020. There are currently no coordinated ecosystem management efforts at a regional scale. Efforts are fragmented, reducing efficiency and impact. 

The TALS Approach

Improve the ecological function, economic value, and community safety of our region's ecosystems by bringing landowners, local and regional organizations together to prototype ecosystem resilience solution alternatives using an integrative Natural Enterprises Complex (NEC) approach. The NEC approach offers long-term solutions and self-sustaining funding using the NEC model. Our NECs are developed by defining vegetation treatments, economic and geo-spatial analysis, community and relationship building, and engendering commitments for long-term benefits.




©2020 by Taking Action For Living Systems

Taking Action for Living Systems is a fiscally sponsored organization by Inquiring Systems Inc., a registered 501(c)(3), EIN 94-2524840

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